Holiday maladies and the importance of a break

We are on school holidays at the moment.  In fact, we are about half way through our holidays. It doesn’t really feel like it though – we have been hit by the lurgy.  We have all been unwell with a very heavy cold – which has mutated itself into ear infections, chest infections, sinus infections, headaches, crankiness and day time naps.

Which makes all the plans I had made for an active, outside spring holiday a bit redundant.  It is well and truly spring here now – beautiful sunny days and the tulips are blooming. Admittedly, it is sometimes a bit windy, but in general it is perfect weather for being outdoors. Which is exactly what we needed after a term of school.  Illness has kept us a bit closer to home than I had planned, but we all seem to be recovering now and managing to spend some time in the sun.  Fingers crossed the good weather lasts. Continue reading

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